Monday, July 6, 2009

What would you like to call yourself?

Tried and tasted by Nivedita
Hi all,
Just a few days back I added a gadget in my blog for "Poll". And the question "If you are 'a stay at home wife' what would you like to call your self?"
This question came in my mind when I read "Ghettoised and forgotten...." in Vidya's( blog.
Do not think I am against men or working women. I was also a working mother till last year.I know the difficulties one has to face while handling both the office and the house.But my question here is "is a 'stay at home wife or mother' getting an equal respect or no"?
For many, to stay back home is wasting your life. Even many men think that woman at home do not have any work the whole day.
Does any one thinks how much energy and patience one needs to be at home and take care of the house? Don't they think one has to put so much effort to turn the house in to HOME? After managing everything ( supporting the family physically, morally and all the ways), her title is restricted to House wife!!!
If a husband is not working, have you heard anyone calling him 'house husband'? Even though he is unemployed, he will be recognized at least by his degree!!
My only question is what would you like to call yourself if the options are given. Please feel free to vote on my 'Poll' and share your opinion.

Can anyone suggest a better title for us???

Keep smiling,


  1. I too have the same opinion like you Nivedita... have already voted in your poll :)

  2. Hi Nivedita,

    I am a fan of your blog and have been referring your recipes many times. I too am from Mangalore and right now residing in Dubai with my family. I was working in a good position 3 years ago -along with managing housework but had to quit job since my daughter was suffering in babysitting. Since then I have become the so-called housewife. But believe me, it is not a easy task since I have to be on my toes the whole time around my kids as well as managing housework which never seems to end. It irks me so many times when my friends who are working in offices when they telephone the first question they ask is "Were you sleeping?". Tell me, with two high-spirited kids around is it possible to rest? Housework is not only cooking and cleaning but also taking care of your family's needs, your children's homework & studies, taking them out to park and recreation and it goes on. But most of the office going people think that sitting at home is waste of time and a housewife has nothing to do. Yeah, they atleast get a good packet of salary at the beginning of every month but what does a housewife get for her 24x7 work?

    Not only that, most of the guests who visit our home when they see my well displayed book collection ask the question "Do you really read all these books?". Its as if just because you are a housewife, you lack general knowledge and may be you are not as educated as those office going types.

    I would prefer to call myself a homemaker.

  3. Dear Smitha,
    Thanks a lot for being a fan of my blog. I am very happy. Keep encouraging me like this in future too.
    Yes, even I have faced the same questions like "were you sleeping" or "do you really read so much".
    But it is in our hand to prove ourselves, not for others but for us!
    I am not sure which type of books do you read. You can check my Shelfari bookshelf, if you want to know about my interests in the books.
    Last week I went through ( which was referred by Siri of Siri's Corner.
    Go through it, if you have time! Its great blog, and make us feel good.

  4. nivedita u have a very good blog here...u have raised a very good question,though being a post graduate am a mother of twins who r still toddlers and a another child who is of 8yrs old...staying at home and managing everything is a fulltime job,job goers atleast weekends they have a break but we r fulltime workers with no break....but still sometime ppl think stating at home is easy.


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