Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Kashmiri Dum Aloo for ICC

Tried and tasted by Nivedita
Hi All,
Potatoes!!!! I love to eat in any form. Few days back, a blogger friend Ria Mary Mathew shared the status on FB "Y didn't God make potato rich in Iron and Butter rich in Vitamins? Y God Y? So true! I too feel the same way. 
Few years back I was not a potato person, but  during second pregnancy, I got this craving for potatoes. I always wait for something to cook with potatoes. And when Srivalli gave  this month's  Indian Cooking Challenge, I was very happy because the recipe  is Kashmiri Dum Aloo. This recipe is from the site IndianFood.

I enjoyed preparing the dish and eating it too. And my kids loved it with soft Chapatis.
I used only 1/4 th qty than the original recipe. The original recipe was for 1 kg of potatoes but as we are only 2 persons to eat, I prepared only 1/4th qty.
Please click here for the recipe, 

Baby potatoes taking cold bath.
Masalas mixing up for potatoes
Masala bath tub for potatoes.

Potatoes taking Masala tub bath.

Potatoes after bath and fry!
Hing and Clove powder with Hot water for potatoes.

Keeping to make aloo dum, the last stage for the potatoes to get ready to go to the dining table.
I am sorry for not giving detailed recipe. As I prepared only the little qty from the original recipe, I felt its not good to give the full details, as the photos and the given qty will not match.
I am enjoying this ICC event.

Keep Smiling,


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