Tried and tasted by Nivedita
Hi All
Before I started my blog, I was a silent follower of many blogs, and when ever I used to see the awards on their blogs, I used to feel, is it possible for me to get at least one award among these. It might not be a big thing for many to get awards !! But for me, I feel really very happy and I feel, even I am something!!!!
I was busy in the last week, as my brother and bhabhi came for my second daughter's birthday!!!
It was great fun!!! and when I opened my mail after a week, I got the surprise from Padma!!
Thanks Padma for passing these wonderful awards to me!!!
When I started my blog, I never thought, I will get the awards so soon.

And, I want to thank all my friends in this blog world for passing so wonderful and encouraging awards to me!!!
Coming to the the recipe in "Food in photo", it is VEG NOODLES, my way, as I love to have this healthy noodles only this way cooked. I eat Plain noodles also sometimes, but prefer to eat this way as my morning breakfast as it is very good to start a day with lot of vegetables and sometimes adding scrambled egg in it. The recipe is almost the same in many blogs.
(check the same recipe in difference is I boil the noodles first and add it after all the vegetables are cooked.
So I thought of posting it in my "Food in Photo"
(I could not participate in many events as I was busy in the party!! I hope I will try to participate in coming months regularly!!! )
Keep smiling