Tried and tasted by Nivedita
Hi All,
Confused with the title of the post? Yes, I am right when I have written WAR with RAW. My blog has always had a war with raw food. This is a war of love for your body, your health and your life. Today I am going to share my thoughts, my experience with the raw food and few excerpts from GURUJI SHRI RISHI PRABHAKARJI's talks which are published in the book 'NUTRITION PACKED AMRUT AAHAR', "a cook book of uncooked food" by SHEHNAZ A THANAWALA.
Again confused?
Let me start it again. I came in contact with SSY(SIDDHA SAMADHI YOGA) course around 15 years back. And that changed my life. The way of thinking towards everything on this Earth changed, I started thinking positive. My stage fear disappeared. I became more friendly with everyone. It was a new life for me. I don't want to talk more about myself as we are here to talk about food.
The main thing changed was the food habit. I realised the importance of RAW food.
As the years went,though it was not possible for me to follow it 100%, but I always preferred having raw food everyday and whenever possible. Once a year, I stay on raw food for continuous 13 days which helps me to reduce my weight and cleanse the body.
{Now, whatever I am writing below are the answers from Pujya Guruji:
1.What is RAW food?
- Any natural food item which is not cooked or processed by heat can be called raw(or uncooked) food.
2.Is it difficult to digest RAW food?
- Not at all, actually it is easier to digest raw food (takes only 13 hours to digest) than cooked food which takes 24 hours to digest and Non Veg which takes about 72 hours.
3.Are all the raw foods are good to eat?
- NO, not necessarily so, It is the amount again how much we take and how we take it.
4.How much quantity of raw food one should eat?
- Normally healthy people should have about 50% to 70% of their total daily food as raw food. But, for someone who wants to start newly, has to increase the quantity slowly from 20%.
One can do a 'raw food fasting; once a month where you can have 100% raw food or juices on that day.
5.Will the RAW food make me weak?
- No, in fact you can be strong and healthy. Initially people may have a diarrhoea or constipation as the body needs time to get adjusted.
6.Can one cure the ailments and diseased by having this Amrut Ahar or RAW food?
- Yes, many have succeeded. Chronic diseases can be effectively controlled by proper diet.
But, take care to consult proper teachers before you start it as a regular intake, considering your food allergies, the diseases you have.}
*****While I am typing this, I got the sad news that Pujya Guruji Rishi Prabhakar has left for his heavenly abode leaving us to spread his worldly message.******
I don't know what inspired me to write about him in today's post or how it came in my mind that I should write about the raw food and him. May his soul rest in peace. I am sure that he is always there for us in our heart.
This post is dedicated to him.
Coming back to today's post,
Yes, I am following this diet with the Pranayam and the meditation I learnt during the course and It has helped me to overcome many diseases, mentally and physically.
I agree that it was not possible for me to follow it 100% as I take non vegetarian food and normal cooked food on daily basis, but YES, the RAW FOOD has always helped me to keep my health under control.
I have already posted many raw food recipes in my blog. You can click salad parade to get the recipes and few more in my archived posts.
Today's recipe is a unique one which I have taken from the same book. I always enjoy this juice which is very healthy and can have at breakfast.
Its groundnut juice. Surprised? Groundnut and juice?
I will come to the nutrition facts about peanuts.
It is full of proteins. Actually contains more protein than meat, about tow and a half times more than eggs and far more than any other vegetable food except Soya bean and yeast. BUT, its best to eat ground nut after it has been SOAKED OVERNIGHT.
Peanuts or groundnuts are rich in proteins and packed with essential nutrients like vitamin A, vitamin E, magnesium, zinc, iron, and dietary fibres. Peanuts provide optimum health benefits and are excellent energy boosters. click the LINK for more details.
And Jaggery is loaded with nutrients such as calcium, iron, potassium, zinc, magnesium and phosphorous. Jaggery is often known as a cleansing agent because it helps to get rid of unwanted particles from the respiratory tract, lungs, food pipe, stomach and intestines. Extremely rich in iron, jaggery is advised to all those who have a low level of haemoglobin in their blood and are anaemic.
click the LINK for more details.
Try to have it once or twice a week. As for every thing, even this has little side effect which is negligible.It is allergic to many.
If you are having first time, then may be you will get acidity, but don't worry if its not severe.
To make one glass of juice:
Groundnuts -20 soaked overnight
Banana or Chikoo or apple or dates or any two or one(choice is your)-1/2 cup
Jaggery to taste or 1 tbsp
Powdered cardamom powder - 1/2 tsp
Blend all in a mixer till smooth paste.
Add the water to bring it to the consistency of a milk.
Serve immediately.
Linking it to Eat Nutritious, Feel fabulous

Keep Smiling,
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