Monday, July 26, 2010

Avare kalu (Surti paapdi ) Pallye

Tried and tasted by Nivedita
Hi All,
Being a seasonal vegetable, it tastes great after waiting for many months. I have already written more about this in my last post Avare kalu sambhar(Surti papdi sambhar) and Counti...  
Here is the recipe for Dry sabji.
Directly coming to the recipe,
Ingredients :
Surti paapdi or avare kalu - 1 cup, clean, wash and give one boil to make it tender.
Onion - 1 big, cleaned and chopped
Oil - 1tbsp
Curry leaves - few
Mustard seeds - 1/2 tsp
Cumin seeds - 1/2 tsp
Gurellu Chutney(Niger seeds,ಗುರೆಳ್ಳು) powder - 1 tsp(optional, I used here, because its very common in my house)
Salt to taste
Tamarind paste - 1 tsp
Turmeric powder
Fresh coconut grated - 1 tbsp(optional, I did not put)
Fresh coriander to garnish

Heat  oil in a kadai. 
Add cumin seeds and curry leaves.
Add onion and fry till it changes its color.
Add salt, tamarind paste, turmeric powder and gurellu powder. Fry for a minute.
Add boiled papdi and coconut. Mix well. Adjust the seasoning. Cook for a minute. 
Its ready to eat.
Sending this to 

Keep Smiling,

Aloo Matar Sabji (Peas & Potato masala) - Microwave method

Tried and tasted by Nivedita 
Hi All,
Most of the times, my use of microwave is restricted to warm the food. But now a days I am trying to make new recipes in it, as it is like an extra hand for me. Morning is very busy time, cooking all the things at a time, Make coffee, boil the milk and drinking water, make breakfast, prepare the food for kid's lunch box. My two burner stove is not enough for me. Thats why, when ever I am short of time with many things to cook in short time, I take the help of microwave. There are only few dishes I always love to repeat it. One is Microwave Chocolate Cake (learnt it 2 months back, and its my daughter's favorite) which I repeat once a week. 
The second one is this, Aloo matar sabji which goes very well with Puri and hot chapatis.
Here is the way to make it 100 % in microwave
Ingredients :
Potato - 4 to 6 medium
Onion - 1 big, finely chopped
Fresh or frozen peas - 1/2 cup
Tomato - 1 big, grated
Curry leaves - few
Coconut milk - 1/4 cup(I used ready coconut powder and added it in warm water)
Oil - 1 tsp or you can skip it.
Salt to taste
Red chilly powder - 1 tsp
Turmeric powder - 1/4 tsp
Coriander powder - 1 tsp
Garam masala - 1 tsp (I use MTR product which is mild but gives good aroma)
Fresh coriander to garnish
Wash the potatoes. Prick all over. 
Keep in the microwave on HIGH for 5 minutes or if your M/W has the option to boil the potatoes(I have) cook it with the option on for 5 minutes. Allow it to cool. Peel the skin and cut into cubes.
Cook the peas also in M/W on HIGH for 3 minutes. Keep aside
Take oil in M/W safe bowl  (if using). Keep on HIGH  for a minute. Remove and add onions. Or if not using oil, add the onions directly.
Keep on HIGH for 3 minutes and let the onions fry and change the color. I forgot to take the snap of that.
Next add the tomato and mix it. Cook on HIGH for 3 minute, stir in between. 
Remove it. Add all the dry powders. Cook for half a minute. Now other remaining ingredients except the coriander. Cook on HIGH for 4 to 5 minutes.
Keep it in the M/W for few minutes. 
Open and transfer it into the serving bowl. Garnish with fresh coriander.
Aloo matar sabji is ready to serve.
This makes for 4 to 6 persons.
My daughter loves (me too!) to have it with puri like this :
Sending this to two events :

 Srivalli's 365 days of Microwave Cooking! event 

Keep Smiling,

The boy who never listened!

Tried and tasted by Nivedita 
Hi All,
Past one month, my younger daughter never sleeps without this story then followed by another story"Cap seller and the Monkeys". Some times I have to repeat it twice. Every time she enjoys the story as if she is listening it for the first time. I wanted to post the story before only, but some other works did not allow me to. 
Now I am here with the story which is my creation according to my need to keep my daughter away from few dangerous things. And just to make her eat food I add about the diet also in the story.
Please give your time and read the full story to encourage me to write in the future(If you really feel I can write!)

Once we get into the bed, she says "shock story mamma".  Are you wondering what is this shock story. You will come to know once you go through the story. Actually I started a very short story and it pulled on. Read it. Its universal and you can change the situations as per your need.
My story starts here, and I am writing the same words I tell her.

There was a boy (no name for the boy, my daughter does not want a name!) who never listened to his mamma, pappa, didi and naani. One day he got up from the bed and wanted to watch TV in the morning. 
He went to the kitchen and asked 'Mamma, can I watch TV?(Very good boy!) 
Mamma told 'No, you should not watch TV in the morning. You should (my daughter is perfect to say these now) brush your teeth, take bath, do puja, have breakfast, get ready and go to school'
The boy did not listened to her. He went to the hall, and touched the switch to on the TV. He got shock and started crying. (My daughter will tell same like Housefull story no ma?)Mamma took him to the doctor. Doctor asked what happened. Mamma told about the shock. Doctor gave him two injections (no logic, just to scare my daughter to be away from the switches)
Doctor asked the boy whether he eats all the vegetables and fruits and does he drinks milk or not. The boy answered yes I do, I eat everything mom gives. I like Sai bhaji(Green leafy veg curry) and Veg. Juice Pulao in which all the green leaves and most of the vegetables are added.And I love the Tomato and carrot soup mom makes. I always take the rice items she packs for me. He added that his favorite desert is Fruit and cream which mom gives him once a week.
Doctor was happy and gave him a toy car to play and sent him home.
(This was the story I told her the first day, so she has kept the name as 'shock story') Then I went on adding the stories).
Next day  mamma had kept the incense sticks in the puja room after her puja. This boy wanted to do also. He asked the mother. When mom told no, he did not listen. He took the sticks and started playing, and got his fingers burnt. Mamma took him to the doctor again., Doctor applied some cream and gave him a bitter medicine to take and sent him. (My daughter loves this bitter medicine story as she loves to take the medicine).
Next day his didi was doing some art work using scissors. The Boy went and asked her to give him also the scissors. Didi told him "its not for small kids. When you grow big like me, you can also use it." But the boy did not listen, he snatched the scissors and started cutting a piece of paper. His finger got cut and it started bleeding. Seeing the blood, boy was scared and started screaming and crying loudly.Mamma and Pappa took him to the doctor. Doctor put the bandage and gave him one injection.  

After few days, mother was doing some work in the computer. This boy also wanted to play in the computer. Against mother's No also, he did not listen and sat with her to play. After some time his eyes started burning and water coming from his eyes. He pressed the wrong key and spoiled the computer. Mamma was very upset. She called him and told him to be a good boy and listen to the elders. He was quite. 

Next day didi was playing her cycle. The boy too wanted to play her cycle. It was big for him, but he tried to climb and tried to ride the cycle. He fell down and broke his head. Mamma and Pappa rushed to the hospital. Doctor put him the stitches and gave injections. He told him not to goto the school for a week and have only bland food. And doctor was very upset for this naughty boy who never listened to any one. He told him not to be so naughty and listen to the elders at home.
The boy came home and started thinking 'why everyone calls me naughty? Am I really naughty?  From now, I will listen to the elders and try to be a good boy.  And he changed him self.
Mamma prepared nice Kichadi for him as per doctor's advice.

Rice - 1/2 cup
Mixed dal - 1/2 cup
(Toor dal, Yellow moong dal and broken green moong)
Cumin seeds - 1 tsp
Ginger paste - 1 tsp
Pepper - 6
Salt to taste.
Ghee - 1 tbsp
Warm water to cook the rice.
Wash the rice and dal. Drain and keep aside for 15 minutes.
Heat ghee in a cooker. Add cumin seeds. Fry for few seconds. Add pepper and ginger paste. Fry it for half a minute. Add the rice and dal. Mix and fry for some time, till the rice changes its color. Now add the salt and warm water double the rice level. Close and give two whistle. You can make it outside also. Let it cool and serve with paapad, pickle or curds.

After two months,  the boy was celebrating his birthday. The doctor also came for the party. He was happy to see the boy and told him "Arre, you did not come to my clinic for two months. You have become a very good boy". Doctor gave him toys, chocolates and many gifts. Everyone clapped for the boy. 
You should see the twinkle in my daughter's eyes! for this last sentence. And she too claps with smile.
You can change the situations and make your own story. This story has worked for me. She listens to me for few things at least. 

Sending this to a very unique event where your writing skills are polished : 

Please leave the comments about this story.

Keep Smiling,

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Reposting Halwa recipes for my event

Tried and tasted by Nivedita 
Hi All,
I was surprised when I checked my archived posts and got these many halwa recipes. Just giving the links with photos as these are many to repost alone. 

Carrot and Orange Halwa

Sending my Heart to My Valentine!!!

Instant coconut halwa

Carrot burfi

This goes to my event, 

I wish to thank everyone who has participated in my event and those also who tried but could not for some reasons. 
I will be posting the round up in the first week of August.
Keep Smiling,

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Carrot Rice

Tried and tasted by Nivedita 
Hi All,
Posting the recipe for very easy and quick rice which is common for my daughter's lunch box. I always find a way to feed the carrot to my children. Let it be in soup, salad, thalipeeth, wheat dosa, rice or sambhar. Luckily my both daughters like to have the carrot like rabbits. Just wash and clean it and give them while they are playing. Carrots are always in my fridge.
A very common recipe, may be,you will get it in most of the blogs. Here is my share too...

Ingredients :
Rice - 1 cup
Carrot - 1 big  or 2 medium, cleaned, peeled and cut into thick circles.
Onion - 1 big, cleaned and chopped lengthwise
Salt to taste
Warm water to cover the rice
Lemon juice - 1 tbsp

For masala powder:
Cinnamon - small piece
White pepper - 4 to6
Cloves - 3
Cardamom - 1
Bay leaf - 1 small
Take all the ingredients from masala powder, crush it to make coarse powder

Oil - 1 tbsp
Wash the rice and drain it. Keep it aside for 10 to 15 minutes.
Heat oil in a cooker or open pan.
Add chopped onions and fry till they change the color. Add the masala powder. Fry for a minute. 
Add the carrot pieces, salt and fry for one more minute. 
Now add the rice and fry till the rice gets mixed with the masala and the color will be slightly changed.
If using cooker,
Add the warm water till the rice is covered. Give just one whistle. Let it cool. Add lime juice. Mix well and serve hot or pack for the lunch box.
If using open pan
Add warm water according to the rice. Water quantity varies with each rice quality. Usually I take 1:2 rice:water first. And after sometime, I will check the rice and adjust the water.
Once its cooked, add lime juice. 
Carrot rice is ready!
Sending this to Announcing "Healing Foods-Carrots" hosted by Suma of VEGGIE PLATTER and linking this to Siri's announcement page.

Keep Smiling,

Celebrate Sweets ~ PEDHA with Jagruti.

Tried and tasted by Nivedita 
Hi All,
Tomorrow is  the last date of my event  
I want to thank everyone who has already participated in the event. And I want to request others to participate and celebrate it. 
I feel very happy to continue the series with 
  Jagruti of Joy of Cooking  

and she is celebrating " PEDHA". I hope you all will participate in her event and celebrate the sweets again.
Click here for the details.
Ongoing Event !                                               
If any one is interested to continue the series of celebrating the sweets, please leave a comment here or send me the mail. The sweet will be decided later.
Keep Smiling,

Broken wheat(or thick rava) and jaggery Halwa (ಸಜ್ಜಕಾ )

Tried and tasted by Nivedita
Hi All,
One more healthy  halwa from my land, North Karnataka. 
In North Karnataka, Jowar(Sorghum) rotti is a must food in villages. Women make more than 50 rottis each day and its a tiresome job. So, the new moon day or Amavasye is like a festival for them. As there will be more work like special pujas for vehicles, cows, buffaloes, tractors, rotti is skipped from their menu. Instead, they prepare only rice, rasam and this sweet, Broken wheat halwa.It is called as Sajjaka in Kannada. It is prepared using rava or thick semolina, usually smaller in size than bulgur. 
Ingredients :
Broken wheat or rava : 1 cup
Jaggery - 1 1/2 cup, grated or powdered
Ghee - 1/4 cup + 2 tsp
Nut Meg powder - 1tsp
Salt a pinch
Water - 3 cups or more to cook the rava.
Mixed nuts - 1 tbsp

Method :
Fry the rava with 2 tsp of ghee till you get the aroma
Keep water to boil.
Once it starts boiling, add the rava. Cook it for a minute. 
Add jaggery and keep on stirring for a minute
Now add salt and cook till the rava is cooked. 
Heat the ghee in a separate kadai. Fry the nuts.
Add ghee and nuts together to the boiling rava. Cook till it starts leaving the edges. 
Transfer it into a bowl and serve it with pickle and paapad. 
This can be used to make polis, called as sajjakada holige.
This is going to my event  

Keep Smiling,

Friday, July 23, 2010

4 ways to make Methi Paratha (Fenugreek paratha)

Tried and tasted by Nivedita
Hi All,
Methi Paratha is a very common flat bread all over India. Methi is a green leafy vegetable which is available in the whole year. It is a very common breakfast also. Whenever my mother goes for any trip or she has to travel out of station, this paratha is must for her. 
I wanted to be little creative to make these common parathas. Kept on wondering what to do??? But could not get any new idea to make it different. I added the whole grain flour and powdered nuts to make it more healthier.
Coming to the recipe,
Methi leaves - 2 bunches
Wheat flour - 1 cup
Whole grain flour - 1/4 cup
Gram flour - 1/8 cup
Powdered nuts - 1 tbsp (I always keep the almond and cashew nuts powder in the kitchen)
Crushed garlic - 1 tsp (optional)
White pepper powder - 1 tsp 
Red chilly powder - 1 tsp
Salt to taste
Ajwain seeds - 1/2 tsp, crushed
Oil - 1 tbsp
Turmeric powder - a pinch
Water to make the dough
Oil to fry the parathas

There are 3 ways to use methi leaves before adding.
1. Wash and boil the methi leaves. Drain and chop it. 
2. Wash the methi leaves and chop it finely. Fry it with little ghee. 
3. Wash, chop and add directly.
Each method gives different taste. So the choice is yours.
Method :
Take all the ingredients except water,  in a big wide bowl or plate. Keep on adding little water till it becomes soft dough. 
Keep it aside for 15 minutes to half an hour.
Divide the dough  in to big lime size balls. 
Keep tawa or pan to heat.
Take one ball, roll into paratha of desired size. Do not make it very thin or thick. It should be medium to make soft parathas.
Put the paratha on the pan, apply oil and fry for 15 seconds. Turn it and fry the other side. Remove and apply ghee. Store it in a box. 
Repeat with other dough balls.
This quantity makes 6 to 8 parathas.
These parathas stay good for 2 days at least. Best food to take while travelling.
I love to have these parathas with Lime and chilly pickle  or any other pickle. 
To make stuffed methi paratha,
Take the same ingredients and fry in a oil for a minute. Divide it into small balls. 
Stuff it in the chapati atta you have prepared and fry the same way you did for normal paratha.
Sending these parathas to 2 events : 

Announcing Global Kadai - Indian flavoured flatbreads ! by Sandhya of Sandhya's Kitchen

Providing the link back to Cilantro's page as per the rule.

 Sunitha's World page

Keep Smiling,

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